Test Product
Quantity: 1
Nuestro spray limpiador de lentes ayudará a eliminar la suciedad, la estática, la niebla, las huellas dactilares y las manchas de sus gafas. Perfecto para anteojos recetados, gafas de sol, anteojos Screen Time, teléfonos, tabletas y otros dispositivos electrónicos. ¡El spray para lentes forma una capa protectora para repeler el polvo y la suciedad e incluso reduce la electricidad estática y los rayones!
Nuestro kit de spray limpiador de lentes incluye una botella de 1 oz de limpiador de lentes, un paño de microfibra súper suave y un mini destornillador doble para gafas en un llavero para cualquier reparación sobre la marcha.
Right Eye (OD) & Left Eye (OS)
OD stands for "oculus dexter" which is Latin for "right eye". OS stands for "oculus sinister" which is Latin for "left eye."
Sphere (SPH) aka Power (PWR)
If you’re nearsighted you’ll have a minus (-) before the number, and if you’re farsighted you’ll have a plus (+) sign.
Cylinder (CYL)
This is only for people with astigmatism. A nearsighted astigmatism will have a minus (-) before the number, and a farsighted astigmatism will have a plus (+) sign.
This is only for people with astigmatism. The axis is a number between 0 and 180 and determines the orientation of the Cylinder (CYL).
We need your Pupillary Distance (PD) to ensure that your glasses are customized to fit you perfectly. PD is the distance between the centers of each eye. Once we get your PD we can finish your glasses!
Kid PD Range: 35-65 mm.
Adult PD Range: 50-80 mm.
If your PD has 2 numbers, it is typically written 22/20 on your prescription. The first number is the right eye (OD), and the second is the left eye (OS).
1) ONLINE PD TOOL: Virtually measure your PD using our online tool! Click the "Measure My PD" button and follow the on screen instructions. Then enter your PD number in the form.
2) EMAIL A PHOTO: If your little squirmy wormy can't sit still long enough for the online tool (we totally get it!), you can just take a picture at home and we'll measure the PD for you. Follow these directions here.
Sometimes it can be hard with little ones, we totally get it! Take a picture following these directions and we'll measure the PD for you:
Spritz cleaning solution onto front and back of the lenses. Pinch lenses using the microfiber cloth and wipe off any debris or oil. Repeat as needed to keep your Saved by the Bell rerun viewing crystal clear!
Love this little travel pack! And the screwdriver Keychain is SO convenient!
Glasses screwdrivers are hard to come by, but a keychain one is amazing! So convenient
I love this kit. I have a lens cleaner from Amazon and this one works so much better!
I’m so glad I bought two of these, but wish I had bought a couple extra. I use it all day long for kids glasses, it is a must have
Gotta love the travel size cleaning kit come on now