Test Product
Quantity: 1
¡Estamos muy emocionados de que te encanten los marcos irrompibles de Roshambo ! Nuestras monturas en forma de corazón funcionan con todas nuestras gafas de sol y gafas graduadas estilo Heart. ¡Nuestras monturas de gafas con forma de corazón intercambiables se doblan, flexionan y pliegan y ofrecemos muchísimos colores divertidos para combinar con cada conjunto!
Right Eye (OD) & Left Eye (OS)
OD stands for "oculus dexter" which is Latin for "right eye". OS stands for "oculus sinister" which is Latin for "left eye."
Sphere (SPH) aka Power (PWR)
If you’re nearsighted you’ll have a minus (-) before the number, and if you’re farsighted you’ll have a plus (+) sign.
Cylinder (CYL)
This is only for people with astigmatism. A nearsighted astigmatism will have a minus (-) before the number, and a farsighted astigmatism will have a plus (+) sign.
This is only for people with astigmatism. The axis is a number between 0 and 180 and determines the orientation of the Cylinder (CYL).
We need your Pupillary Distance (PD) to ensure that your glasses are customized to fit you perfectly. PD is the distance between the centers of each eye. Once we get your PD we can finish your glasses!
Kid PD Range: 35-65 mm.
Adult PD Range: 50-80 mm.
If your PD has 2 numbers, it is typically written 22/20 on your prescription. The first number is the right eye (OD), and the second is the left eye (OS).
1) ONLINE PD TOOL: Virtually measure your PD using our online tool! Click the "Measure My PD" button and follow the on screen instructions. Then enter your PD number in the form.
2) EMAIL A PHOTO: If your little squirmy wormy can't sit still long enough for the online tool (we totally get it!), you can just take a picture at home and we'll measure the PD for you. Follow these directions here.
Sometimes it can be hard with little ones, we totally get it! Take a picture following these directions and we'll measure the PD for you:
Use our glasses size charts below as a guide to find the perfect sizes and styles for your family. We make our suggestions on the average glasses sizes for kids, but one of the biggest benefits of our flexible, bendable frames, is that they give lots of room to grow!
Frame Width | 110 mm | 120 mm | 128 mm |
Frame Height | 42 mm | 46 mm | 49 mm |
Temple Length | 100 mm | 115 mm | 125 mm |
Distance Between Lens (DBL) | 13 mm | 14 mm | 15 mm |
Lens Width | 42 mm | 46 mm | 49 mm |
Lens Height | 36 mm | 39 mm | 41 mm |
**UPDATED Review**
I informed Roshambo via email that I’d been sent the wrong spare frames. I got a swift response and resolution from Roshambo. The correct frames were sent to me and arrived within a few days. The spare frames arrived with a hand-written apology note for the mix-up, I appreciate someone taking the time to do such a thing. We have been very pleased with the glasses, they work very well for my child. Great product and great customer service.
Original review:
Unfortunately, I did not receive this product. Instead I received a white pair of rectangular shaped frames. Otherwise, the teal frames are really nice.