Test Product
Quantity: 1
Certains cadres arrivent de notre fabricant avec des défauts qui ne peuvent pas être éraflés, mais ils sont quand même pratiquement parfaits à tous points de vue ! Si un petit point ici ou une petite égratignure là ne vous dérange pas, ces lunettes de soleil flexibles pour enfants à prix réduit sont une excellente affaire. Nous parions que vous ne remarquerez peut-être même pas le défaut ! Toutes les ventes sont définitives sur ces articles. Vous cherchez d'autres couleurs ?
Tous les cadres Roshambo sont fièrement fabriqués en Italie et assemblés aux États-Unis. Ils sont sans BPA, phtalates, plomb et latex, et les petites pièces sont testées comme étant sans danger pour les bébés. La sécurité est notre priorité n°1, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit d'enfants ! Tous nos verres offrent une protection UV400 pour bloquer 100 % des rayons UVA/B, et sont également polarisés pour aider à réduire l'éblouissement et la fatigue oculaire.
Right Eye (OD) & Left Eye (OS)
OD stands for "oculus dexter" which is Latin for "right eye". OS stands for "oculus sinister" which is Latin for "left eye."
Sphere (SPH) aka Power (PWR)
If you’re nearsighted you’ll have a minus (-) before the number, and if you’re farsighted you’ll have a plus (+) sign.
Cylinder (CYL)
This is only for people with astigmatism. A nearsighted astigmatism will have a minus (-) before the number, and a farsighted astigmatism will have a plus (+) sign.
This is only for people with astigmatism. The axis is a number between 0 and 180 and determines the orientation of the Cylinder (CYL).
We need your Pupillary Distance (PD) to ensure that your glasses are customized to fit you perfectly. PD is the distance between the centers of each eye. Once we get your PD we can finish your glasses!
Kid PD Range: 35-65 mm.
Adult PD Range: 50-80 mm.
If your PD has 2 numbers, it is typically written 22/20 on your prescription. The first number is the right eye (OD), and the second is the left eye (OS).
1) ONLINE PD TOOL: Virtually measure your PD using our online tool! Click the "Measure My PD" button and follow the on screen instructions. Then enter your PD number in the form.
2) EMAIL A PHOTO: If your little squirmy wormy can't sit still long enough for the online tool (we totally get it!), you can just take a picture at home and we'll measure the PD for you. Follow these directions here.
Sometimes it can be hard with little ones, we totally get it! Take a picture following these directions and we'll measure the PD for you:
View our full size chart.
Our baby sunglasses size fits ages 0-24 months, depending on your baby's head size. Grab a adjustable head strap & ear adjuster kit to ensure a better fit on infants or toddlers growing into a larger size.
Our toddler sunglasses size fits ages 2-4 years, depending on head size. We find that our ear adjusters work really well for toddlers wanting to take on and off their shades themselves (but keep a tight fit)!
Our kids sunglasses size typically fits ages 5-10 years old and can fit a huge range of kids, sometimes as young as three, or as old as teenagers! It really depends on head size. For teens and adults, we have our slip grip ear adjusters which help keep glasses in place if slipping off.