As most of our customers know, the baby team is made up entirely of mom Julia, dad Scott and baby Avery (7 months as of this writing). That’s it, we do it all, despite mom and dad both having full time day jobs. Our baby girl is our inspiration for not only our baby sunglasses company, but is now our entire world (parents out there, especially first time parents, you know what i am talking about). That’s why we struggled with the idea of writing this particular blog, but also why we decided we should: on the one hand we did not want to label our daughter to the world as a sob story or “broken” in some way (keep reading, she is in no way either…), but on the other, when she started having seizures at 4 months old we scoured the web for stories about baby seizures, hoping for at worst informative but scary, and at best reassuring content, but not always finding it.
More to the point, we never found a story that matched exactly what we were seeing with our daughter, which terrified us. That’s the thing we came to find out with infant seizures: every case is different and terrifying in its own way, so we decided to get our story out there in case there is another parent or guardian seeing these signs of seizures in babies and not knowing what it is or how to deal with it. our story has a happy ending and our daughter’s seizures were very mild compared to the violent, repetitive, and unpredictable episodes some families cope with. We realize that, are thankful for it, and by no means intend to minimize the much more serious struggles some families live with. The following are excerpts of notes we kept in the days leading up to our stay in the hospital, our 3 day stay in the hospital, and how she has progressed since. Just writing this has brought up some of the same intense emotions we went through then; we hope this finds its intended audience and our thoughts go out to parents going through this.
- Scott, Julia & baby Avery
This is long overdue (like 6 years overdue!), but we are so blessed to report that our precious little girl completely outgrew her seizures within a couple months of starting her medication. She was then able to cycle off the meds and the seizures never returned. She is now a happy, healthy 7 year old little girl and has not had a single seizure since this series of them when she was 4 months old.
Avery also has a little sister now: Chloe is 4 years old, also happy and healthy. Chloe also had a couple episodes of seizures when she was about 2, but they were not as consistent as Avery's where and were not tied to sleep. Chloe's were more "garden variety" seizures (if there is such a thing!) tied to fever spikes when she was ill. No medication was necessary for her. It helped us a lot having gone through this scare with Avery to know not to panic. Our pediatrician was not nearly as concerned about the fever induced seizures with her, apparently they are quite common and not really a major concern as long as they are not recurring.
We hope this information can still help even a single parent out there that is going through anything like this with their infant. It is terrifying, but knowing there can be a happy ending is important.
- Scott, Julia, Avery (7) & Chloe (4)