Dear families,
You may have noticed our website looks a little different since March. We basically bet the company that everybody out there would respond to our new motto: Families That Shade Together Stay Together. We always knew we would do a kids/junior size if the baby shades proved popular, but owners Scott & Julia took it a step further and made shades for the whole family. We figured we need an updated look on the website while we were at it.
If you guys are like us, you understand perhaps nothing is cuter than matching your kids. We surveyed the kids sunglasses online world and could not find anybody that was making high quality, reasonably priced sunglasses that went from baby through adult sizes, so we thought, why not us?

We are super proud of our baby sunglasses precisely because they do not look like standard baby sunglasses. No cutsie design, Mickey Mouse or flowers on our shades. Just a classic adult-style design for your little fashionista/o. When we found out we were having a baby (she's now 15 months old!!), we knew we wanted to dress her in stylish clothes and accessories. That is why we originally created our line of a baby shades, because we believe Little People Deserve Big People Shades. However, there came a point that dad was getting really jealous of his daughter's awesome shades with sweet colors and 90's pop culture names, so we knew it was time to step up our game and bring our shades to the biggest kids of all: moms, dads, and grownups.
Worst case scenario, Scott and Julia will never have to buy another pair of sunglasses, but we hope it does not come to that and you guys like the idea of family shades. As always, each purchase supports autism charity, so you can look awesome and feel awesome at the same time. Not only that, but we don't cut corners on quality: the adult shades come with polarized lenses standard, are made in Italy, come with a pouch, and only cost $35. I know what you're thinking: $35 for polarized shades called "ice ice baby" - where do I sign up!? Good news, you can get them right here on this website. And if you buy more than one pair you get free shipping and family sunglasses pack discounts. Did we mention you can also match your baby and little kids??
Enjoy your family shades and remember:
Families That Shade Together Stay Together.