If you know someone close to you that needs a new pair of prescription glasses and can't afford it, you can nominate them to get a free pair of Roshambo glasses! Children and adults are eligible to be nominated, but please note we do specialize in kids eyewear. We are a small family company, but we figured the biggest way we can help is to get glasses to kids that truly need them. A pair of glasses can be life changing. They literally transform the way a child sees the world, but also can help with learning, self confidence, and basic enjoyment of life. We want to be a part of that.
The more detail you can give in the form about why your nominee needs a pair of Roshambo glasses, the more likely they will be to be selected. This is a good faith program, please only serious applicants that really need the assistance. We are not able to process bifocals, progressives or prisms at this time.
Thank you for supporting our little family company, we look forward to putting a smile and just maybe making a little difference in the life of your nominee! 🥰
Why Children Need to Wear Prescription Glasses
Several reasons compel optometrists to prescribe glasses for kids. These include:
Improving the position of the eyes for crossed eyes or misaligned eyes
Strengthening the vision in a weak or amblyopic eye, also known as lazy eye
Nearsightedness or myopia
Astigmatism, which causes objects to appear distorted because light does not land evenly on the retina
Hyperopia or farsightedness
When Is It Okay to Get My Child Prescription Glasses?
A child should start visiting the eye doctor for vision exams starting at the age of one. However, if you detect vision problems earlier, a baby as young as a few months old can get prescription glasses.
Optometrists state that kids usually become farsighted or nearsighted between the age of 6 and 12. Sometimes, farsightedness may be diagnosed during infancy, necessitating prescription glasses.
The American Optometric Association (AOA) and the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) recommend that preschoolers, infants, and school-age children receive screening for vision problems at least once every two years for school-going kids.
The earlier they’re detected, and your child is put on prescription glasses, the easier it is to arrest potentially serious complications.
“At Grayson’s 1 year well check, our amazing pediatrician did a standard eye exam with this fancy camera thing. He called back saying it was abnormal, that we would need to go see pediatric ophthalmology. Grayson was diagnosed with mild strabismus in one eye and his vision in the same eye isn’t great. I was so surprised as I had never noticed the strabismus prior (I do now when he’s tired or focusing hard on something) and developmentally the way he plays and interacts you would never guess he had poor vision in one eye. Neither my husband nor I have ever had to wear glasses, this was all pretty foreign to me. I’d be lying if I said my mama heart didn’t hurt when we got his diagnosis and was told he’d need glasses. But the beauty is, catching this early is a great prognosis per Peds Ortho, he may not need glasses forever as we correct the issues now (with glasses and wearing a patch for a certain amount of time every day) since he’s so young and growing.” - Lesley
Signs Your Child Might Need Prescription Glasses
These are a few common signs that indicate your child might need prescription glasses:
Squinting – squinting is a sign of refractive error that affects how well the eye focuses on an image. Squinting allows the child to improve the focus and clarity of an object.
Having the television or hand-held devices too close to the eyes and lowering the head while reading – all these are signs of poor vision, most likely myopia or nearsightedness.
Tilting the head or covering one eye – your child might do this to improve clarity. It may indicate that their eyes are misaligned, or they have amblyopia or lazy eye.
Rubbing eyes excessively – this may be a sign of eye fatigue or eye strain. It may also signify other vision problems such as allergic conjunctivitis.
Headaches or eye pain
Difficulty concentrating on schoolwork – during school, children have to adaptively shift their focus from the chalkboard to textbooks and computers. Difficulty shifting their focus may be a sign of vision problems.
How to Get Your Child to Wear Glasses
Getting your child to wear their prescription glasses might be harder than getting them through their vision exam. But these are some strategies you can use:
Encourage them to select their frames. The more they’re involved in the process, the more likely they’ll love their glasses and wear them often. Some brands offer options to swap colors with the same lens.
Tell them they’re looking great and doing a great job when they put on their glasses.
Remind them of their role models who wear glasses too.
Think about fun ways you can dress up with glasses on Halloween as their favorite character like Blippi!