Run Roshambo is part of our Roshambo Baby brand of sunglasses: Italian made, polarized, ultra light and virtually unbreakable shades for the whole fam... it started with kids now on to adults! These ultra light sunglasses are amazing for athletes, runners, and active parents. Match your kids with our flexible, lightweight sunglasses for running.
ULTRA LIGHT - 25% lighter than goodr (and they even float!)
FLEXIBLE - Our frames are durable, flexible and comfortable. They won’t slip, bounce or fall off!
QUALITY - Made in Italy and assembled in the U.S.
POLARIZED - 100% UVA/B/C protection, shatter resistant, and added glare reduction. Polarized mirrored lens options too!
UNBREAKABLE - Full damage replacement guarantee if your frames get broken in their first year (and free replacement lenses if they get scratched).
PRESCRIPTION READY - Our frames are prescription friendly and we offer prescription services right through our website.
CHARITABLE - We donate a portion of all of our sales to support the autism charity, Surfers Healing.